Furry Castle Puppy training spray Furry Castle Puppy training spray Furry Castle Puppy training spray Furry Castle Puppy training spray Furry Castle Puppy training spray

Furry Castle Puppy training spray

Furry Castle Puppy training spray Add To Wishlist


Furry Castle

Attractant pheromone scent reduces time required time to housebreak your dog . Encourages dogs to "go" where you want them to urinate . For indoor & outdoor training . Long-lasting concentrated formula.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Availability : Pan India

Category : Dog Grooming

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Puppy training spray is a specially formulated product designed to aid in housebreaking and behavior training for young dogs. Here's what you should know about it:

Attractant Properties: Puppy training sprays often contain natural attractants, such as pheromones or herbal scents, that encourage puppies to eliminate in designated areas. These scents mimic those found in urine, signaling to your puppy that a specific spot is suitable for potty breaks.

Training Aid: Puppy training spray serves as a training aid to help establish good habits and reinforce appropriate behavior. By spraying it in designated potty areas, you can encourage your puppy to use those spots for elimination, making the housebreaking process more manageable.

Indoor Use: Puppy training spray is particularly useful for indoor potty training, such as on puppy pads or in a designated bathroom area. It helps direct your puppy's attention to the desired location for elimination, reducing accidents in other areas of the house.

Consistency: Consistency is key when using puppy training spray. Apply it consistently to the designated potty area each time you take your puppy out to eliminate. Over time, your puppy will learn to associate the scent with the appropriate behavior.

Safe and Non-Toxic: Look for puppy training sprays that are safe and non-toxic for use around pets and children. Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances that may irritate your puppy's sensitive nose.

Supplemental Training: Puppy training spray should be used in conjunction with other housebreaking techniques, such as crate training, regular potty breaks, and positive reinforcement. It's a tool to aid in training but not a substitute for consistent training efforts.

Positive Reinforcement: When your puppy successfully eliminates in the designated area after using the training spray, be sure to praise and reward them with treats or verbal praise. Positive reinforcement helps reinforce the desired behavior and encourages your puppy to continue using the designated potty spot.


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