Write for us

Welcome to the Pawrulz community! We always believe in sharing knowledge and invite pet parents, pet enthusiasts, bloggers, and professionals to contribute to our platform. You can be a veterinarian, pet nutritionist, pet product expert or just someone who loves animals; we welcome you to share your stories, product reviews and expertise with our pet-loving community.

We at Pawrulz love featuring high-quality & informative guest posts related to pets on our blog. Our community consists of passionate pet lovers and potential customers who are always looking for fresh and educational content. We are looking for guest posts with a unique perspective, and you can share tips and stories to educate and inspire our community.

Why Write for Pawrulz?

Pawrulz is more than a marketplace for pet products; we are a happy and purr-fect community of pet lovers. The guest posts you contribute will reach a broad audience who love pets as much as we do. You can establish yourself as an authority in the pet care space by writing for us, and you can also gain an opportunity to showcase your brand, if any. We allow our contributors to include a bio, and this will drive traffic to your online platforms.

Writing Guidelines

Before you start penning down an article for our community, please read the guidelines mentioned below. These are the requirements we look for in every submission.

We love articles that follow the guidelines, and such submissions will be published on our blog.

Topics we cover

We are open to topics that cover the interests and needs of our pet-loving community. Mentioned below are some suggested topics, but contributors can feel free to propose their ideas.

What we hate in guest blogs

We aim to create a valuable and positive reading experience for our audience, and hence, there are certain content types we avoid posting.

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